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Blueface Interrogates 6-Year-Old Son About ‘Ignoring’ Strippers To Look For Food — ‘Are You Gay?’

Blueface questioned his 6-year-old son’s sexuality for “ignoring” strippers. The internet said his alleged verbal and sexual abuse called for social workers instead of pole workers.

Source: Prince Williams / Getty

When the rapper’s toxic masculinity usually makes headlines, it’s usually with Chrisean Rock. This latest viral video proves that his pregnant ex isn’t the only chaotic one here.

The 26-year-old badgered his young son, Javaughn, about his sexual orientation because he ignored strippers dancing in their home. On Thursday, the failing father posted videos featuring several nasty dancers twerking in his living room. For those wondering where the mother was, the video showed Javaughn’s mom Jaidyn Alexis also partaking in the freaky festivities.

I hope they call CPS on blue face and his baby mama. Not only are they neglecting their kid, but also subjecting him to sexual abuse.

— Nae. (@_miss_NAE) July 7, 2023

Son yall talkin bout Blueface son and leaving out that the daughter is sitting right there on the couch in front of the strippers omgomg lock them up

— Helly (@HeyyHellyy) July 7, 2023

Some social media users say child protective services should be called as name-calling is a form of abuse. State intervention  is no joke and come with serious risks. However, the same is true about introducing children that young to alleged verbal abuse, sexual situations, and bigotry.

“A casual day,” the rapper says as the video begins while the women dance to “Put It On Tha Flo Again” by Latto.

Blueface then leaves the lude living room scene and heads to the kitchen where he finds Javaughn rummaging for snacks.

“Son” he says as Javaughn searches for snacks in a the nearly empty pantry, “It’s booty cheeks out here, you over here looking for chips and Slim Jim’s and s***.”

Asking your child are they gay because they’re scavenging for food, clearly hungry and can only come up with Slim Jims in that empty ass pantry is madness.

Where’s the jail? Blueface needs to meet it! Child bout to parish of hunger, but it’s strippers in the living room tho. 🥴

— ً (@cxlxbutauntx) July 8, 2023

Blueface had his small child around strippers, questioning if the child is gay b/c he’d rather be searching for food in an empty pantry than see the butt cheeks of grown women. Anyone is allowed can have children. That baby could only find slim jims to fix the hunger.

— jah (@PopThatCultr) July 7, 2023


The adorable little boy innocently responds, “I love Slim Jims”.

“You ain’t gay is you?” Blueface cringely asks.

Confused as to how he should answer, his son blurts, “I got my Slim Jims,” as he cupped the jerky snacks in his palm.

I don’t want to hear nun about how gay and trans folks are pushing an agenda or throwing it in people’s faces. Blueface and Boosie did the weirdest bullshit with their children, but WE are the ones grooming kids? Our identities are too complex for them to understand?
Nigga, foh

— Dee Doré 又 (@safecampdore) July 8, 2023

Blueface repeatedly asks the question until Javaughn shakes his head no. The Cash Money West rapper responded with excitement, “My man! My dawg!” and dapped him up.

Javaughn, seemingly relieved, smiles as he shakes his dad’s hand.

Also: blue face and that ugly baby mother of his is disgusting. Y’all hate a gay agenda (that’s not even a thing) but straight men love to sexualize their children at the highest levels. Why you asking a toddler if he gay and telling him it’s bitches in the house????

— Free Tax (@CreamBlanco) July 7, 2023

Blueface And Jaidyn Face Accusations Of Child Abuse For Viral Stripper Video

Social media users found the father-son interaction appalling.

“Blueface’s baby looking for food and only being able to scrounge up three Slim Jims from an empty pantry is sad as he–. They got strippers in the living room and are trying to push him to watch them. He’s HUNGRY! Nobody is on the stove. Where is the damn food for the child?!”

Blueface talk to much for a mf pantry who damn near empty.. ya son was lookin for the snacks you don’t got.. but you got hoes in the living room.. that child was hungry & the only shit you worried bout was the bitches in the living room you feeding instead of him 😑

— 🦋𝔑𝔬𝔳𝔞 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔑𝔶𝔪𝔭𝔥🦋 (@NovaMulatto_) July 8, 2023

Another user mentioned how he previously claimed Chrisean wouldn’t be a good mother while it’s clear he won’t receive a Father of the Year nomination.

“Blueface & Jaidyn Alexis has their son around STRIPPERS, while telling him to come look & asking him is he gay ?? & he says Chrisean won’t be a good mother. Yet you’re taking your son’s innocents away so early. Tryna make a kid look at adult sexual content is pedo behavior.”

Another added, “CPS needs to take them kids from Blueface. I’m so serious.”

One commenter wasn’t just gonna talk about, she was gonna be about it commenting, “Does anyone know where blue face and his baby mamma live??? I’m calling CPS immediately.”

That video of blue Face Is the prime example of why so many younger boys grow up to be so hyper sexual. It be their fathers or older guys that be teaching them that dumb shit.

— Q Dawg♋️ (@Zero_Emotionss) July 7, 2023

Someone else wrote, “That video of blue Face Is the prime example of why so many younger boys grow up to be so hyper sexual. It be their fathers or older guys that be teaching them that dumb sh–.”

I cannot get over the fact that they child was HUNGRY and all blue face bitch ass can think ab is his son being gay for not wanting to look at butt naked ass women… he is a BABY like be so fr rn u dumb fuck. AND STEWIE BIG HEADED ASS DID NOTHING! RAGGEDY! THE BOTH OF THEM!!!!!

— caro (@cozyycaro) July 7, 2023

Commenters came with their guns ablazing, “I cannot get over the fact that they child was HUNGRY and all blue face b—- a– can think ab is his son being gay for not wanting to look at butt naked a– women… he is a BABY like be so fr rn u dumb fuck. AND STEWIE BIG HEADED A– DID NOTHING! RAGGEDY! THE BOTH OF THEM!!!!!”

Someone else expressed, “Blue face babymomma jaidyn is disgusting!! Like atp it’s not even about you getting your get back! Where are your morals????? Do you even care about what your kids are exposed to? Ugh.”

The folks that had a lot to say about Zaya real quiet about this Blueface situation. Funny how that works.

— this Barbie is tired (@123itsmeMary) July 7, 2023

Blueface and his child’s mother clearly need to take parenting courses before their kids end up in the system.

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