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John Legend ‘Ordinary People’ Pummels Tang-Tinted Trump As A ‘Tried & True Racist ‘ Who Has ‘Done Very Little’ For Black People

John Legend is NOT “ordinary people” when it comes to speaking his mind.

The soul crooner recently said flat-out that he believes Donald Trump is racist. Not only does he think Trump is a “dyed-in-the-wool” racist, but he believes that the commander-in-lying-and-losing is an anti-Black bigot “to his core,” and, well, we just caaaaaan’t imagine why. (Insert sarcasm here) 

Source: Taylor Hill/WireImage/ James Devaney/GC Images / Getty

“When we protested the killing of George Floyd, he was advocating for the military to shoot us in the streets,” Legend told MSNBC’s Jen Psaki on Sunday. “He has made it clear throughout his life that he believes Black people are inferior. Like, he believes that, to his core, in his bones.”

OK—OK, John, calm down. Look, just because Trump wanted to use BLM protesters as target practice the year before he instigated the Jan. 6 Crazy Caucasians Can’t Coup Right rebellion at the U.S. Capitol doesn’t mean he’s racist. Next thing you know, the “Everyday People” singer will be calling Trump a Republi-Klan just because he told Black and brown congresswomen to “go back where they came from”, despite them all being born and/or raised in America. I mean, geez, an orangey-white man can’t even refer to African nations as “sh*thole countries,” generalize Mexican migrants and rapists and drug dealers, compare Sount American migrants to Hannibal Lecter, and call them “animals” who are “not human” without everyone calling him a racist these days. So Trump hates brown immigrants but wishes the U.S. received more white immigrants from “nice” European countries—does that truly make him a rust-encrusted white nationalist? 

Anyway, Legend had more harsh words for the guy he so unfairly thinks is racist just because former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke accused him of jacking his political style. Legend correctly noted that the Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against Trump over anti-Black housing discrimination in the ’70s, and said the ex-president “believes in a genetic hierarchy of humanity, and it’s racially determined.”

”He is a tried and true, dyed-in-the-wool racist,” Legend said. “In the core of his being, he is a racist. So I don’t want to hear what he has to say about what he’s done for Black people. He’s done very little for us, and he is, at his core, truly, truly a racist.”

Come on, now. Just stop with the race-baiting, John. I mean, anybody can bring up old sh*t like the time Trump said, “Laziness is a trait in Blacks,” or new sh*t like when Trump said:

“The lights are so bright in my eyes I can’t see too many people out there. But I can only see the Black ones. I can’t see any white ones. That’s how far I’ve come.”

Legend should be ashamed for calling that man a racist Tang-tinted white devil as if he spearheaded the propaganda-reliant attack on critical race theory, issued an executive order banning diversity training in the workplace during his presidency, and is now promising to end all DEI programs across America if he’s elected again. Let that man whine about the renaming of Confederate monuments, call for the execution of the Central Park Five, and lie about Black people’s economic gains during his presidency in peace.

If Trump was racist, would he be out here comparing himself to Nelson Mandela and claiming his mugshot and criminal indictments gave him street cred with Black America?

Source: Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty / Getty

You know what? Don’t answer that.



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