GAP sues Kanye West for $2M over alterations made to a leased building from their failed collaboration.
Kanye West has been out of the spotlight for months after losing both his historic ADIDAS partnership and his 10-year GAP deal. Adidas has already made peace with the hundreds of millions it will lose even after selling its remaining inventory. GAP on the other simply doesn’t have it like that and the partnership was in some peoples opinion their finanical saving grace.
According to TMZ, GAP is now on the hook for ‘unapproved alterations’ to a storefront building it leased for its failed partnership with Kanye West. GAP is being sued by Art City Center which owns the building. In return, GAP is suing Kanye for $2M in damages. Allegedly the building had a ton of unapproved alterations that go above and beyond the lease agreement. The alterations included removing three bathrooms, installing a tunnel and ramp in the parking lot, and removing ceiling lights. Gap claims its contract with West included they wouldn’t be liable for any claims of this kind. Outside of the $2M GAP needs to fix the building they are also seeking money to cover attorney fees. Leasing a building for Kanye and expecting him not to change anything was a rookie mistake.