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‘Love & Marriage: Detroit’ Debuts Saturday On OWN, Here’s Your EXCLUSIVE First Look At The Premiere

OWN watchers will be introduced to a new city, new couples, and new drama when Love & Marriage: Detroit premieres Saturday and we’ve got an EXCLUSIVE first look.

As previously reported lovers of the Love & Marriage franchise will meet a new group of dynamic Black community members and leaders with deep ties to the “Comeback City” on June 24 at 9 pm ET/PT.

Source: OWN / OWN

During that premiere, they’ll hear from the show’s creator/ Detroit native Carlos King, who details the history of the D which previously thrived in music, style, ambition, and the automobile industry.

King notes however that hard times hit Detroit and its esteemed reputation changed. Instead of looking at the Michigan city as a land of prosperity, people focused on its negative aspects.

According to the super producer and his #LAMD cast, however, things have drastically changed.

“It’s not the old Detroit that you knew, this is the new Detroit,” says cast member Kristina Bowman-Smith.

Included in that “new Detroit” are six fresh faces who’ll invite viewers into their worlds as they strive to provide the best lives possible for their families in this recovering community.


Russell and Kolby Harris–Carlos King notes that the two look very attractive on the outside but the super producer wonders if the couple that “prays together can stay together.”

Source: OWN 

Brandon and Kristina Bowman-Smith—The power couple who live in a penthouse overlooking Detroit could crumble after Brandon shares a secret with his wife.

“All hell breaks loose,” teases Carlos King about what’s to come.

Source: OWN 

Anthony and Dr. LaToya Thompson—The couple comprised of two leaders are seemingly in a power struggle. “It causes drama,” says King about the Thompsons potentially being at odds.

Source: OWN

Take an EXCLUSIVE look at the cold open for Love & Marriage Detroit below. 

Love & Marriage: Detroit premieres June 24 at 9 pm ET/PT on OWN following a new episode of Love & Marriage: Huntsville at 8pm ET/PT.

Source: OWN / OWN

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