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Throw The Book At ‘Em! Cyrus Carmack-Melton’s Killer Rick Chow Could Face More Charges, Anger And Outrage Surround Funeral

Source: Rutherford Law / Rutherford Law

What’s that we hear? Good news?

The shooting death of 14-year-old Cyrus Carmack-Melton at the hands of 58-year-old gas station owner Rick Chow in Columbia, South Carolina is still extremely upsetting but it appears that local law enforcement is not taking the case lightly. According to WRDW, The Richland County Sheriff’s Department and 5th Circuit Solicitor’s Office are speaking publicly on the matter and have not ruled out additional charges against Chow. Says, 5th Circuit Solicitor Byron Gipson:

“The Richland County Sheriff’s Department conducted an investigation into the fatal shooting of Monroe Cyrus Carmack-Belton and as a result charged Chikei Rick Chow with Murder.

At this time, the Fifth Circuit Solicitor’s Office has not yet received all of the reports, statements, videos, and other materials related to the investigation. Once all of that information has been provided, a full review will be conducted in order to determine whether any additional charges should be made relating to this incident.”

While the authorities are somewhat tight-lipped about their process, it stands to reason that if they have not reviewed all the evidence that the investigation has already uncovered and was comfortable with murder charges, then the potential for more charges is undoubtedly in the air.

On Saturday, family and friends gathered at Second Nazareth Baptist Church in Columbia to lay Cyrus to rest. According to ABCNews, his mother gave a eulogy that will absolutely break your heart.

“I will miss you my sunshine, that infectious smile and unique laugh. Thank you God for entrusting me with your precious child by lending him to the world to teach us and shine his bright light upon us,”

The service was obviously sad but there was also anger in the air.

“I am angry,” Richland County Councilwoman Yvonne McBride said, per local news outlet WLTX. “I’m angry about what happened. I’m angry because a young innocent baby was taken brutally from us.”

We will keep you updated on all the latest news surrounding this case.

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