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‘With Love’ Exclusive: Isis King Says Her Non-Binary Character Sol Exemplifies How Trans People Deserve Happy Lives Too

If you’re looking for a good binge this weekend, we highly suggest you check out the second season of With Love on Prime Video.

Source: Kevin Estrada / Prime Video

With Love is a romantic dramedy from Gloria Calderón Kellett which centers on siblings Lily and Jorge Diaz as they navigate big life changes and rely on their equally big family to get them through. Isis King plays the sibling’s cousin Sol, a doctor and constant support system for both siblings but they have aren’t just playing the background — Sol has a bustling life of their own too.

Source: Kevin Estrada / Prime Video

BOSSIP Sr. Content director spoke to With Love stars Isis King and Todd Grinnell about Season 2 of the show. The pair play dating doctors who met at work and have an undeniable connection — but find their relationship tested at times because Sol is non-binary, and despite Miles being very open, he’s been comfortable living the privileged life of a heterosexual cisgendered white man. Isis told BOSSIP how, prior to playing Sol, she’d never seen a trans person thriving in their career, love life, and support systems. She spoke on the importance of the world seeing and understanding that trans people deserve happy lives too.

“I’ve never seen a trans person have career, family, friends, and love so for me to play a character like that is so important,” King told BOSSIP. “Also for the world to see that trans people deserve to have those things. It also makes me excited to play the role because you know, it’s real life, it can happen as well. We deserve this as well and it’s important for people to also see that we deserve it, but also for my community to see that we deserve it.”

We wholeheartedly agree.

“The thing I love most about this relationship is that at its core it’s just pure,” Grinnell added. “You know, it is, it’s pure love that is the basis of the relationship, which is what the basis of every relationship should be, in every friendship and every human interaction. It’s not always perfect and it gets messy and it gets challenging and you know there’s conflict, but at the end of the day nothing else matters to these two except their connection and their love and that’s beautiful. This is a testament to our writers.”

The first and second seasons of With Love are currently streaming on Prime Video.

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